July 1, 2022
To our always faithful supporters,
Carla and I pray this letter finds you all doing well and receiving God’s blessings. You are all such a blessing to us, and we are so thankful for your prayer and financial support. Without you, we know that our ministry would not be as effective.
That said, let me begin this letter with one of our reasons for celebrating. On the 15th of this month Carla and I will celebrate 19 years on the field in Peru! We are amazed at what God has accomplished in that time and look forward to what he will do in the coming years. Our prayer letters since the second year of our ministry are all on our website at rich2peru.com. I find it a blessing to go back and pick an old one at random from time to time just for the memories and to see how far God has brought us on this adventure. It is humbling to think that He would use us in His eternal plan to reach lost souls.
As of this letter, we are on a short furlough for Carla’s yearly doctor appointments and visiting supporting churches that we couldn’t get to on our last furlough. Preaching and giving updates at our supporting churches is always a great time of reconnecting with our brothers and sisters in Christ. We have also been able to be in New York to attend the wedding of Rebekah Rice (Diehl), one of our dearest friend’s daughters. We plan to be a part of her sister Moriah’s wedding in Ohio the first week of August.
After the wedding in New York, Carla and I took a trip through the northeastern states for a late celebration of our 40th wedding anniversary which was back in April. We were then able to visit our daughter’s family in Ohio where I had the privilege of preaching at the church where our son-in-law is now serving as pastor. The church is located across the state line from them in Indiana.
We also have been able to take a short family vacation with my sister and mother and go fishing with my brother and our son Shawn. It is always great to be with family.
In the short time that we have been staying at my mother’s home, three in the house have been diagnosed with Covid but came through it fine. Carla and I were not affected. God continues to bless and watch over us.
Another great celebration that we are looking forward to this weekend is Carla’s milestone birthday. I won’t tell her age but let’s just say I recently turned sixty-three and she is three years younger. It will be a nationwide celebration as her birthday is on July 4th. Go ahead and light up some fireworks and help us celebrate her birthday!
Bible Ministry Update: We have heard great news that Victory Baptist Press has received the cover stock needed for the next printing of Spanish Bibles that they will send to us to distribute in South America. After being told that the paper they normally use for printing the Bible itself will no longer be available, they were able to order a paper that will work well. Please be in prayer that the paper will arrive soon so that they can begin printing. We are praying that all will go well in order for us to have Bibles by the end of this year or the first part of 2023. As always, I am contacted often by pastors and missionaries all over S. America who are in need of the precious Word of God for their congregations.
We have had two more saved in our ministry since our last prayer letter! God continues to bless. We are so glad to be a part of what He is doing in Peru.
May God bless each of you!
Don & Carla Rich
This entry was posted in Newsletters.