What a great beginning to 2025!
What a great beginning to 2025!
March 1, 2025
We want to begin this letter by giving God all the praise for what He has done in the first two months of this year.
As we wrote in our last letter, Missionaries Darren & Rachel Townsend arrived on New Years Eve with baby Julianne. They have been busy helping us in several aspects of our ministry as they get accustomed to living in Peru. Bro. Darren preached our first Wednesday night service for the year. They have already begun their carnet (green card) process, including a trip we made to the coast with them for an Interpol (International Police) visit.
On New Years Day our new assistant pastor Fredy Nuñez and his wife Merry arrived. They are settling in well and are a great help. Pastor Fredy has begun preaching a couple of services a week, including the youth meetings on Saturday. I continue to preach and teach the other services and will be gradually turning those over to him as we progress in his training.
On Jan. 11th I was privileged to perform the wedding of couple who had been living together for around 12 years and had 2 children! Yaqueline and Walter had come to me and said they wanted to make things right and have a good testimony for their kids. God continues to work and convict hearts!
Near miss! One Wednesday night, after the second hymn, one of our sound absorption panels at the front of the church fell from the ceiling. The couple that usually sit on the front row were strangely not at church. Pastor Fredy called them afterwards. They were absent because they thought it was Tuesday! Although it probably would not have struck them, it would have given them a good scare. We have since removed the other panels and are looking for better alternatives to the system.
In February we had a Creation Conference in our Calvario church. We passed out hundreds of invitations and Gospel tracts at a local university. We had three days of classes in the mornings and evenings. Our church was blessed and encouraged with the information they learned. One man and his disabled son came to each of the sessions. At the end, he stated that he had rededicated his life to Christ and wants to be a part of our church!
Back-to-back with the conference, we had 2 VBS’s. We don’t have VBS materials here, so the ladies of our church spent many hours creating their crafts, teaching materials, etc. They did a wonderful job, as you can see from the photos on our website. The first three-day VBS was at our Calvario church. It was well attended with around 70-80 kids. On the Sunday after, Sonia, a lady who brought kids to the VBS, attended our morning service. After the service Sonia RECIEVED CHRIST as her Savior! We also had other visitors who came as a result of this event. The second VBS was at our new work, Iglesia Bautista Ancla (Anchor Baptist). Several from Calvario came to help. It also was well attended with around 40 children each day. Several children came to church the following Sunday because of the VBS. Pastor Juan Carlos will be following up and visiting the families. Please pray for these efforts.
On February 24, a young lady in our church came with her dad to talk to me. She had some doubts and wanted to understand salvation and Biblical baptism. After some counseling, she RECEIVED CHRIST as her Savior in my office! We are scheduling her baptism in March. God continues to work!
BIBLE SHIPMENT UPDATE: In the past we wrote that we hoped to have the next container of Bibles and tracts by mid-January, but because of end-of-year scheduling problems for a container, that goal became unreachable. They finally arrived at the port in Lima this past Monday. We are hoping to have them here in Cajamarca within the next week or so. We have so many requests for Bibles and materials and will be starting distribution immediately.
As you see, our much-needed help arrived just in time. The rest of the year will also be very busy. Your prayers and support are much appreciated.
Please take a look at several NEW PHOTO ALBUMS ON our WEBSITE!!!
May God bless each of you for your heart for missions,
Don & Carla Rich
This entry was posted in Newsletters.
A Busy Year Completed, What’s Next?
A Busy Year Completed, What’s Next?
January 1, 2025
Another year has passed, and an eventful one it was. We finished the last two months of 2024 with a flurry of activity. It was a blessing to see many souls saved this year and a total of 12 baptisms. One of those was just last Sunday. On top of that, we had many special activities.
For Thanksgiving we invited round 20 people from our churches come to celebrate with us. Carla prepared a great meal, and it was all gone at the end of the day. Peruvians of course do not celebrate our American holiday, but they enjoyed learning about it. Before the meal, each took turns giving thanks for how God had blessed them. It was a great time of fellowship.
It is always great to see our church members be used by the Lord. Around the middle of November, I taught again on soul winning. A couple of weeks after, one of our members visited her brother in Lima. She said she took the notes from the class and shared the Gospel with him. After four hours of sharing and answering questions, her brother Enrique prayed to receive Christ as his Savior!
In December, we had a “Singing on the Square”. We obtained permission from the city and a big group from our Calvario church gathered to sing Christmas music for a couple of hours. We passed out over 700 John/Romans booklets to people in the park as they passed by to listen. The next day, Sunday morning, a lady and her son visited and have begun attending our church!
The next weekend we set up our canopy and sound system in front of our other church, Iglesia Bautista Ancla (Anchor Baptist). As we sang, a group passed out tracts and invitations in the street. Again, God blessed our efforts. A neighbor family came to church that week and has begun attending. The next Wednesday night they had an attendance of 71 at their Christmas service!
On Thursday, December 12th, we drove for an hour and a half back into the mountains to a small village named Cumbico where we had obtained permission to have a Christmas Kids program. We did a drama, sang, had a chocolatada (sharing hot chocolate and fruit bread), and gave each of the 171 children in the school a Christmas gift. The school parents blessed us with a delicious meal afterwards that they cooked over an open fire. While eating, one of the teachers told us that they had been praying that God would provide a way for the kids to have gifts this Christmas. We praise the Lord for our supporters who took part in this answer to prayer by giving a special offering. It was a big blessing to this small community.
The following weekend we had a Christmas service for the youth in our Calvario church. We had teaching out of God’s Word, then we had some games for fellowship. To top it off, Carla grilled hamburgers that all enjoyed.
The next week, on December 19th, we visited a kindergarten in a small pueblo called Llacanora. One of our church members is the director and a teacher. She invited us to be part of their Christmas program. We provided a presentation for the kids, then Don preached the Word of God to the parents and teachers. Afterwards, the children sang for us and their parents. We were able to provide gifts for each of the children and gave John/Romans booklets and tracts to the adults.
On December 22, our Calvario church celebrated Christmas in both services, with the focus on the kids’ classes in the morning. That night we combined our two churches and had a service of musical praise and shared a meal. It was a blessing to have around 120 in attendance.
We are glad to announce that help has arrived! Missionaries Darren & Rachel Townsend, along with baby Julianne arrived yesterday to begin serving full-time here in Peru. They plan to work with us for at least their first year here as they settle in. Also, our new assistant pastor, Fredy, and his wife Merry are scheduled to arrive this evening and will begin training. 2025 will be another busy year!
* Please take a look at several NEW PHOTO ALBUMS on our WEBSITE,
Thank you for your faithful prayers and support,
Don & Carla Rich
This entry was posted in Newsletters.
Conferences, Souls, Baptisms, and the Search is Over
November 1, 2024
Time is flying! It is a joy to once again to share what God is doing in Peru. Carla and I believe you will see that we have been very busy.
In the first week of September, our newest work, Iglesia Bautista Ancla (Anchor Baptist), celebrated its 1st Anniversary! We had a special speaker and dinner on the grounds as we enjoyed some great fellowship around the Word of God. Since our last letter, there have been six souls saved in that work!
In mid-September we hosted a five-day International Bible Conference with seven countries represented: Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, USA, Mexico, Chile, and Bolivia. There were around 40 pastors and missionaries in attendance. It was also the 20-year celebration of the Reina Valera Gómez Bible revision that we use and distribute in our ministry. God truly blessed the meetings with great teaching each morning and preaching in the evenings. We made a total of 15 trips to the airport to pick up and drop off those who arrived by airline, and we had others who came by bus. Two attendees missed their flight from Lima but were able to lead a soul to the Lord while waiting for their next flight. Three souls accepted Christ during the conference, including one while playing soccer during a break. A moto-taxi driver received Christ as his Savior after transporting some of our guests. And two more souls were saved as two of our guests visited a local village. A total of seven souls were saved as a result of the conference! God is at work. I’d like to also write that we are so proud of our church here who came together and helped this large undertaking run seamlessly. The setup, decorations, food prep, cooking and cleaning were all accomplished by Carla, our church members, and two of our guests (Kathy & Christina) who worked tirelessly to make this conference a success.
In a past prayer letter, I shared that I preached at a memorial service for one of our members. While there I was able to answer several questions for his grandson about salvation. The young man lives 14 hours away and I hadn’t heard from him since that service. Update: After three months I received a text from him stating that he had accepted Christ as his Savior!
In October we had a group from Harvest International Missions (H.I.M.) visit us for two weeks. Director Steve Harper brought his wife and two ladies from Panama and Venezuela. The first week, the ladies did a three-day children’s teachers training conference. The second weekend they did a one-day multi-church ladies meeting. During their stay we were also busy with other ministry activities. Bro. Steve preached a good message one Sunday with me translating.
We are getting good use of our baptistry. In the past two months we have baptized four more and we should be baptizing again soon. God is certainly moving in the hearts of souls.
ASSISTANT PASTOR SEARCH: After both of our candidates came and preached and answered questions, we took a few weeks to pray about each of them. I answered questions and listened intently to the opinions of our church members to see how the Lord was leading. Then, on Oct. 6th the church voted to call Fredy Nuñez as the assistant pastor. I called him and his wife Merry that afternoon. They were pleased to hear the news. We are now in the process of helping them plan their move from Arequipa, in southern Peru, to Cajamarca. Lord willing, they will be moving here the first week of January. Your prayers are appreciated during this transition.
BIBLE SHIPMENT UPDATE: We were hoping to have received a container of Bibles by this time. We were told that the order for the paper was misplaced and had to be re-submitted. This pushed the schedule back. We know that this was no surprise to our omniscient God. It will arrive in His timing. We are now expecting the container to be shipped in mid-December. We hope to have it here in January.
While the missions group was with us, we took a trip back into the mountains to visit a small village where I visited a few years ago and won some souls to Christ. I spoke with the school directors and discussed the possibility of delivering Christmas gifts to the school kids (300+/-) and presenting a program to teach about Christ this year. They were excited to hear that we would be willing to come. You, our supporters have been so generous in the past years’ Christmas programs. If you would like to help with the program this year, please send the support to our support agency, Central Missionary Clearinghouse.
* Please take a look at several NEW PHOTO ALBUMS on our WEBSITE,
Thank you for your prayers and support,
Don & Carla Rich
This entry was posted in Newsletters.
Bus Station Used to Transport a Soul! So Many Reasons to Celebrate!
September 1, 2024
When I had to return to our Calvario church to pastor, I told Carla that we wouldn’t have as much to write about in our prayer letters. Wrong! We didn’t have enough space last time to share all that God is doing!
In June we had a great youth Sunday. We invited Fredy Nuñez to preach for us. He had worked as a pastor with former missionary Shane Rice in our area years ago. God blessed the services with good messages and fellowship.
We started off great in July as 57-year-old Charo received Christ in her little store. This is the same small building where we started our church 19 yrs ago. I had the privilege of leading the landlord’s family to our Savior back then. Nora called me to say that she had been witnessing to her renter and wanted to know if I would come talk to her. Would I ?!?! We saw so many lives eternally changed in that little room when we started our church, and it continues to be a place where souls are saved! And what a blessing to know that our members are sharing Christ with others!
On July 15th, Carla and I celebrated 21 years as missionaries on the field in Peru. God has truly blessed our ministry, and we give him all the glory. As we get older, we are focused on Ps. 71:18, wanting to show God’s strength to this generation, and his power to everyone that is to come.
Pastor Juan Carlos of our Ancla church has been teaching a discipleship class at a bus station. The manager and a worker there attend our church. In July, 34-year-old Luis sat in on one of the classes and received Christ as his Savior! This is the bus station we use for shipping out many Bibles. God can use any place to get His Word out!
In August I received a call from a former member of our church whose family had moved away years ago. She said that her father now lived in our area and was going to visit our church. I greeted Carlos at the door when he arrived on Sunday morning. After the invitation, he told me how he wanted to get things right in his life. In the church office, 75-year-old Carlos received Christ in tears as he understood his need for a Savior.
The ladies of our Calvario church have been having prayer meetings and study groups over the past months. I joke with them that it seems they always have something going on. But I am so proud of this group who are growing in the knowledge of God’s Word and constantly praying for each other and our church family.
We had our Calvario church building re-painted recently. It was a big job but praise the Lord we have two painters in our church who were able to get it done, and it looks great. Afterwards, we had a church clean-up day to get ready for our church’s anniversary services.
In mid-August our first church, Calvario, celebrated its 19th anniversary with great attendance in the services. We presented a plaque on the entrance foyer wall in memory of Pastor José Zamora who passed away in May.
We have begun our pastor search for our Calvario church. We have two candidates so far. One of them is local. The other is from Arequipa, the first city I visited on a mission trip back in 2000. God used that trip to call Carla and I as missionaries to Peru. In mid-August Carla and I flew down to interview the candidate and speak to his pastor. It was great to stand again on the city square where I preached and won my first Peruvian soul to the Lord.
After the trip we set up the candidates to come two weeks apart to preach and allow the church to know them better. We planned two men’s meetings to give them both the opportunity to teach. They also taught Saturday youth meetings and preached both services on their respective Sunday. Please pray as we earnestly seek God’s will.
We are very busy preparing for our International Bible Conference in mid-September. We have missionaries and pastors coming from several countries. Please pray for this big event, that God will be glorified.
On August 18th, 15-year-old Jerico received Christ as his Savior and another man, Oscar, asked to join our church. God continues to work in these last days to draw souls to Himself.
* We have placed more photo albums on our website:
Thank you for your prayers and support,
Don & Carla Rich
This entry was posted in Newsletters.
Great Loss, A Loving Church, and Has Anyone Seen Noah?
A Great Loss, a Loving Church, and Has Anyone Seen Noah?
July 1, 2024
I hate to start with sad news, but both life and death happen on the mission field. Pastor José Zamora of our Calvario church passed away suddenly on Friday, May 3. He had just celebrated his 67th birthday a week earlier. He faithfully served our Lord as pastor here for sixteen years. He was a soul-winner, a good preacher, and had a great heart for the church. In our last letter I mentioned how he and I went together to distribute almost 1000 John/Roman booklets at a public school nearby. It was the last time we were together. I am so blessed to have this final memory of ministering with a great friend and brother-in-Christ. Please pray for his wife, his three grown children, and for the church.
The church has stepped up and continued faithful. Two weeks after his passing, twenty-three from our church formed a choir and ministered in song at the anniversary services of a church across the valley.
I am now pastoring the church as we pray about the next steps the Lord would have us take. My 65th birthday weekend was spent leading the choir at the anniversary services I mentioned and preaching three times. The Lord blessed, and I was able to win 2 souls to the Lord that Sunday night in our church! Since then, we have baptized 5 and had one more soul saved!
Sunday, May 26th was a blessed day. Four adults were saved in our newest church, Iglesia Bautista Ancla. At our Calvario church, two couples who had been living together for years felt Holy Spirit conviction and are now planning their weddings as soon as possible. That same day, between services, I spoke at a memorial service at the home of one of our former members. It was a blessing to have a large group from our church attend to encourage the family. The grandson of the deceased asked many questions about salvation. Please pray that the Holy Spirit touches Nicholas’ heart and that he will be saved soon. He lives 14 hours away. God is at work in Peru!
On the last Friday in May we had a game night at our Ancla church. We had around 35 in attendance and a great time of fellowship. On June 1st we had a ladies’ bake sale to help with funds for projects they want to accomplish.
Update on the Ecuador case – On Friday, April 26th, I received notice that we won the case, and it has now been annulled! I can now return to preach and teach in Ecuador and deliver Bibles to those who need them. Thank you for your prayers. God listened and He is much more powerful than any corrupt government.
In June we had a visitor from the US. Bro. Mike, our national pastor Juan Carlos, and I traveled several hours through the mountains to the towns of Cajabamba and Huamachuco. I had been invited to preach for a church in Cajabamba that has no pastor. It was a great time of encouraging them in the Word and worshipping together. We also visited a national missionary who had received Bibles from our ministry in the city of Huamachuco.
Bro. Mike was also able to be a part of our men’s meeting. We had eighteen in attendance. I taught on God’s prerequisites for a pastor, as we begin the search for a new pastor for Calvario. The men had some great questions about several topics. Carla and two of our ladies cooked a nice meal and all left full, both physically and spiritually.
The morning of the men’s meeting, around 9:30am I heard the water pump continually running in the church. I walked in to find about 3/4 of an inch of water covering the church floor. A water line had broken in one of the bathrooms and it was filling the church. I didn’t know whether to call Moses to part the water or for Noah to bring the ark. It took four of us about three hours to remove the water and to repair the broken line. Then we found that the church’s water pump needed a new pressure switch. A man in our church was able to do the work of replacing it for us. We were just blessed that this didn’t happen overnight or on a Sunday morning.
The youth meetings on Saturday have been going well. On June 22nd, we took a group of 14 to our newest church plant to help pass out tracts and invitations. We then had a time in the Word. Afterwards, Carla and I took them all out to eat pizza and chicken. It was a blessing to see these young people sharing God’s Word.
There are several more photo albums on our website: Take a look! Thank you for your prayers and support of our ministry. May God bless each of you! * We have more to share, but no space!
Serving Him for you in Peru,
Don & Carla Rich
This entry was posted in Newsletters.
Occupy ’til He Comes
Occupy ’til He Comes
May 1, 2024
Hello from Peru!
It has been said, “Time stops for no man” and “All we can do is make the most of the time we have”. These statements ring true as we stay busy and try to use our time wisely until HE comes. We hope you enjoy our update.
One of our former supporting pastors has been a missionary himself for the past few years and has started his own mission agency. Missionary Steve Harper, his wife, and two ladies from Venezuela and Costa Rica visited in March for a few days to present a ladies’ conference. We had a great time and look forward to partnering with them again in October for a three-day teachers’ training session for the ladies and another one-day conference.
Darren and Rachel Townsend, the new missionary couple who will be working with us, also came in March for a three week visit and survey trip. Please pray for them as they await the birth of their first child in June and plan to move to Peru by the end of the year. While here, they both participated in our outreach program, Rachel helped with the children’s SS class, and Darren preached at our newest church, Ancla. Darren plays the banjo which was a treat in the church for those listening and great for me (Don) to have someone to “pick and grin”/minister with. He also brought a devotional for a youth outing for our first church, Calvario.
The youth outing took place at a lake in the mountains about an hour away. Our group of twenty-five, including adults, had a great time playing volleyball, soccer, tug-of-war, sharing a picnic lunch, and fellowship around the Word of God.
The second week of April, Pastor José and I were invited to visit and speak to a large group of public-school kids and their teachers and give each of them a John/Romans booklet to take home. After the morning session, we were to return that afternoon and speak to the other half of their students. Sadly, it was cancelled by rain. But each of those students were given a John/Romans booklet also. In all, we gave out around 940 booklets. We are confident that HIS Word will not return void.
We are very busy planning an international Bible conference for September of this year. We already have commitments from missionaries and pastors from Peru, the US, Mexico, Chile, and Colombia. We are still waiting for confirmation from others who have been invited from Ecuador, Bolivia, and Argentina.
Bro. Jim Fellure of Victory Baptist Press contacted me to say that it would “take a miracle” but they are going to try to have another shipment of Bibles delivered to us in time for our conference. What a blessing that would be! Please pray that, with God’s help, they will be able to accomplish this.
Pastor Juan Carlos’ twelve-year old son, Juan Daniel, had to have emergency appendix surgery recently. He was at first incorrectly diagnosed with typhoid and sent home with meds. When he worsened overnight, they did a new set of tests and discovered the diseased appendix. God has blessed and he is recuperating very well.
Great news concerning the legal case in Ecuador! On April 25th, the Ecuadorian attorney informed me that the case has now been annulled! Thank you for your prayers. It is a blessing to know this door is once again open.
We praise the Lord for 2 more saved at our Calvario church, a young lady and a young man, ages 21 and 26.
We have placed four new photo albums on our website. See what God is doing here in Peru! And as always, we want to say thank you for your prayers and support of our ministry. May God bless each of you!
Serving Him for you in Peru,
Don & Carla Rich
This entry was posted in Newsletters.
Baffled Doctors, Saved Souls, & Lawyers
Baffled Doctors, Saved Souls, & Lawyers
March 1, 2024
Hello from Peru!
Yes, I said Peru. It seemed like the medical tests would never end, but we are finally back in Cajamarca. To bring everyone up to date, after the battery of medical tests that I mentioned in our last prayer letter, I had appointments and tests with an ENT doctor, then was sent to a neurologist. The neurologist sent me for a spinal tap and more blood work. In the end, all results were in normal ranges. That is a blessing to know, and we are praising God. That said, the symptoms continue. With all the doctors baffled and nothing pinpointed, it was time to return and get back to work. We are glad to be back and have hit the ground running.
There is always ministry to be done wherever we find ourselves. While in the US, between doctor visits and tests we were busy in our home church. We enjoyed being involved in visitation, singing in the choir, teaching Sunday School, and preaching. Carla and I were also asked to sing at an elderly care facility where one of our church members lives. We put together a small group from our church and presented a program of music and gifts on Valentine’s Day. What a great time we had sharing scripture and singing hymns with the majority of the residents and workers there. The residents blessed us by their smiles and participation in singing and praising the Lord.
Upon returning to Peru, we settled in and began preparations for some visitors coming soon. We will share more about them in our next letter. We also will be hosting new missionaries Darren and Rachel Townsend for a few weeks. They plan to move to Peru later this year after the birth of their baby girl. Please be in prayer for them as they prepare for this blessing and for the transition to Peru.
In February our church, ‘Calvario’, had a five-day VBS with great attendance and 28 decisions for Christ that are being followed up on. Those making decisions ranged from 10-16 years of age. During a youth service recently, another young lady also accepted Christ as her Savior.
Our newest church, ‘Ancla’, is doing well. We have had one more saved in this church since our last letter. Now that we are back in Peru, we look forward to knocking on doors and doing all we can to help build up this new church. Please pray that we will see much fruit for our labor.
Back in November we wrote of a problem we experienced in entering Ecuador to deliver Bibles in October. Since then, we have been working to resolve it. As mentioned before, it stemmed from a simple piece of paper that was not entered into their system back in 2015, although I had completed all paperwork. The saga continues. In December of ’23, we received an official letter from customs officials stating that the fine, including eight years of penalties would be over $22,000. Yep, you read that right. Ridiculous, huh? In those eight years I was never notified that there was a supposed “infraction”. We contacted a group of lawyers in Ecuador who stated that this was just a “corrupt and abusive” government that is trying to get money from foreigners. They stated that the way it was handled was a violation of my rights as a foreigner in the country. The lawyers and I have been submitting documentation and should hear back in the first part of March with a decision. Please continue to pray that this will be resolved to our favor. We do not want the actions of a corrupt government to keep us from personally ministering in the future where several doors are open.
There is a photo album of the VBS on our website, Take a look and see how God is blessing!
As always, we would like to thank you for your faithful prayers and support of our ministry here in Peru. May God bless each of you!
Serving Him for you in Peru,
Don & Carla Rich
This entry was posted in Newsletters.
“Rich” Blessings
“Rich” Blessings
January 1, 2024
Hello from the “Rich” missionaries!
Many churches introduce us as the “Rich” missionaries when we report on furloughs. And we are truly rich in God’s blessings. Our heavenly Father owns the cattle upon a thousand hills, and the hills under their hooves. Everything belongs to Him, and we are only stewards of his ‘richness’.
Carla and I pray that you all had a wonderful Christmas and that you will all have a blessed 2024. Time is passing quickly. Christ’s return is closer than ever and there is plenty of work to do before that glorious day.
One of the rich blessings that we are so undeserving of is how our faithful supporters responded to the Christmas Kids program this year. Because of your generosity we were able to bless around 1200 children, divided between two local schools and our churches. Each of our churches did a great job of planning and executing a program at the school near them with music, drama teams, tracts, snacks, gifts, and the Gospel preached. What a blessing it was to see them successfully handle such a big project. We were like proud parents as we received updates and photos of their work. It broke our hearts that we could not be there. But God blessed us with some faithful hardworking pastors and members in each of our churches who stepped up to the challenge. Calvario has already had six visitors to the church since visiting the school. Our other church, Ancla, has had three families visit after the program. The rewards of their labors are a great testament to their faithfulness.
In reading this you may be wondering why we weren’t there with them, so let us bring you up to speed. At the end of October, Carla and I had routine physicals done while we were in the US briefly for two conferences in TX. I (Don) mentioned to my doctor that I had been feeling fatigued and light-headed for several months. He sent me to get a CT heart scan. We had the scan done, then returned to Peru. A week and a half later the results came in and my doctor called and wanted me to return to the US to “run more tests”. So, we had a meeting with our Peruvian pastors and gave them instructions as to how we wanted them to handle the Christmas programs. The next morning we left and, as we said above, they did a great job. Since returning to the US, I have had six more medical tests, including a stress test and a heart catheterization. They have also changed my BP meds at least five times. So far, no significant problem has been found but the symptoms continue. We are still awaiting the results of one test. We’ve had to change our return tickets once already. Our plans now are to return to Peru on January 17, barring no further testing. We are still praying for answers and your prayers are appreciated.
In between doctor visits and the battery of medical tests, we have been enjoying time with family and our home church. Our SS teacher came down with Covid, so I’ve had the privilege of teaching the class for a few weeks in his absence. I also preached one Sunday night recently.
Calvario (our first church) had a youth outreach dinner in November with a great attendance. They had nine young people make professions of faith that day! Three other individuals have also been saved recently, bringing the total to twelve since our last letter. And, just last week four adults were baptized in our church!
Our newest church, Ancla, has continued to see new visitors and good services. For Christmas the building was full, with around 30 in attendance!
We have placed more photo albums on our website, Take a look at how God is blessing!
Carla and I would like to thank you for your faithful prayers and support of what God is doing in Peru. May God “richly” bless you all!
Serving Him for you in Peru,
Don & Carla Rich
This entry was posted in Newsletters.
New Work is Open!
New Work is Open!
November 1, 2023
Greetings to you all,
On September 3rd we had our first Sunday morning service at our new church, Iglesia Bautista Ancla (Anchor Baptist). The Saturday before, a group from our first church (Calvario) and others came to evangelize and invite those in the neighborhood. We had a great first day and have seen visitors in almost every service! On October 1st we added Sunday evening services and Wednesdays and they have been well attended. Please help us pray that this work will continue to grow and reach many with the Gospel.
In mid-September Carla and I had some special guests. Moriah is the daughter of a former missionary whose family is very dear to us. They left Peru to serve in another ministry in 2014. We have known Moriah since she was two years old. Fast forward many years, I was privileged to be a part of her wedding ceremony a little over a year ago. To celebrate their first anniversary, Moriah wanted to come to Peru to show her husband Abe where she grew up. We had a great time that brought back many precious memories.
In October we sent a note to those on our email list about our special Christmas Kids ministry. Once again, we plan to show the love of Christ by sharing Christmas gifts and snacks with the poorer children in our area. Last year we were able to distribute around five hundred fifty gifts to three different areas plus immigrant street children because of the help of our supporters. I grew my white beard out to a jolly length and used the opportunity to share a tract I created that says, “I am NOT Santa”. The inside of the tract continues… “But I know Someone who gave the best Gift!” The beard may not be as long now, but I still get stared at by children. It is just a perk to being a white-haired bearded gringo in a black hair and dark-skinned society. Mrs. “Not Santa” (my sweet wife Carla) and I get a lot of attention from children, especially around Christmas. This year we will be adding the kids around our new church to the groups we will reach. It is a big area with many poor families. If you would like to be a blessing to the children this year, please send the support to Central Missionary Clearinghouse with a note that it is for “Kids’ Gifts”.
In our last letter we shared about delivering Bibles into Ecuador. We were able to get the Bibles to the missionaries at the border, but we were not able to travel further into the country ourselves. The system at customs showed that a required vehicle document was not received back in 2015 when we were there, and we would have to rectify that before entering. The error was found as they were “reviewing” their system. I wrote a letter that day explaining that the document had been presented and was apparently not entered into the system or the system was down that day. Interesting enough, the system was down for over an hour and a half when we were there in August. One month later I received an email that they needed more information and that it would have to be presented “in person” at the border. So, Carla and I made a four-day round trip drive to drop off the paperwork (total of 1 minute). Now we wait for a response again. How do you “prove” that a document was presented eight years ago if the document is missing and not in their system? Please pray that we will receive a positive response to rectify the situation. I have several opportunities to preach and teach in Ecuador and would also like to introduce our new missionary family to our Bible ministry outreach there.
PTL, we’ve had four more saved recently in our Cajamarca “Calvario” church! God continues to bless!
Bible Distribution Ministry Update – In less than three months the 23,338 Bibles and 120,000 tracts have all been distributed or promised. We were able to get them into at least four countries this year. And we continue to receive more requests. We give thanks first to God, then Victory Baptist Press and the Conversion Center for these blessings. We pray and trust that many souls will be reached and taught through the distribution of His Word. Isaiah 55:11
Take a look at the new photos on our website (! May God continue to bless each of you for your faithfulness in prayers and support to our ministry.
Don & Carla Rich
This entry was posted in Newsletters.
Never A Dull Moment!
September 1, 2023
Hello from Cajamarca,
In July, Carla and I celebrated 20 years as missionaries in Peru! We couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate this milestone than to have a mission conference in the first church we established. Just like life as a missionary the conference planning was not without its challenges. We invited two missionaries that our church supports to give updates and preach. We also planned on Darren Townsend, the new missionary coming to help us, to preach one service. Well, one missionary got dengue fever. The other’s wife had medical problems so he couldn’t leave her. And Darren’s wife still didn’t have her passport so they couldn’t make it. We quickly realized that God had a different plan. I preached on Friday and Sunday. Missionary friends Stacy Dassow and his wife Jennifer were coming to celebrate with us, and I had asked him to be prepared just in case. It was a blessing to have him preach on Saturday and again on Sunday. We also had our dear friends Jesús and Tracy and their son George come to celebrate with us. You may remember them as the family we asked prayer for when they were going through a long and tedious adoption process here in Peru. Another special person in attendance was a man I led to the Lord when he was 74 years old. Salvador is now 92! What a great week of celebration and remembering what God has done in these past 20 years!
Speaking of celebrations, our first church (Calvario) celebrated its eighteenth anniversary on August 14. We had a great attendance in each service, including Sunday when there were around 240 in attendance! A man I have been inviting to our church for almost the entire 18 years finally visited with his family. God has truly blessed this work. It is very humbling to think back on how He guided us to this area of Peru and then helped us plant this church right after we finished language studies. It is all to His glory.
Back in May we wrote about joining with a small group to help them establish a church. On July 9 we formalized the work as Iglesia Bautista Verbo de Dios (Word of God Baptist) and celebrated its first anniversary since they started meeting together. A few weeks later a group from our first church came to help evangelize and invite those in the area to visit the church. We have already begun seeing some growth and have seen six professions of faith in that work. Please pray that we will continue to see fruit for our labor.
In our July letter we wrote that we were praying and looking for a location to begin our fourth church plant. On July 18 we signed a rental contract on a building in the area we had chosen for the new work. The first services for Iglesia Bautista Ancla (Anchor Baptist) are scheduled for this Sunday, September 3. This building was formerly used as a bakery. It will now be used to serve the Bread of Life! Please continue to pray for this newest work to be established and that we will reach many with the Gospel through it.
Bible Distribution Ministry Update – The container of Bibles and tracts arrived in Cajamarca the exact day that we were celebrating 20 yrs in Peru and many of our church family helped unload them into our facility. Distribution began immediately and in just six weeks all the tracts and most of the Bibles have been distributed or promised and set aside for delivery.
We were blessed to have Worth and Ken, dear friends of our ministry, come to travel with me (Don) to make Bible deliveries into Ecuador and to the jungle river port of Yurimaguas. New missionary Darren Townsend was able to fly in also to help with these trips. At the river port we placed many cases of Bibles on a barge to send to pastors in the Amazon region of Peru. We traveled for a total of eleven days and delivered over 3800 Bibles.
Update: New missionaries Darren and Rachel Townsend finally received Rachel’s passport. She recently had some medical issues arise and are waiting for a doctor’s clearance to be able to move to Peru. Please keep them in your prayers. They want to be here a.s.a.p., and we are looking forward to having them here.
Take a look at the seven new photo albums on our website (! May God continue to bless each of you for your faithfulness in prayers and support.
Don & Carla Rich
This entry was posted in Newsletters.