Occupy ’til He Comes

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Occupy ’til He Comes

May 1, 2024

Hello from Peru!

   It has been said, “Time stops for no man” and “All we can do is make the most of the time we have”. These statements ring true as we stay busy and try to use our time wisely until HE comes. We hope you enjoy our update.

   One of our former supporting pastors has been a missionary himself for the past few years and has started his own mission agency. Missionary Steve Harper, his wife, and two ladies from Venezuela and Costa Rica visited in March for a few days to present a ladies’ conference. We had a great time and look forward to partnering with them again in October for a three-day teachers’ training session for the ladies and another one-day conference.

   Darren and Rachel Townsend, the new missionary couple who will be working with us, also came in March for a three week visit and survey trip. Please pray for them as they await the birth of their first child in June and plan to move to Peru by the end of the year. While here, they both participated in our outreach program, Rachel helped with the children’s SS class, and Darren preached at our newest church, Ancla. Darren plays the banjo which was a treat in the church for those listening and great for me (Don) to have someone to “pick and grin”/minister with. He also brought a devotional for a youth outing for our first church, Calvario.

   The youth outing took place at a lake in the mountains about an hour away. Our group of twenty-five, including adults, had a great time playing volleyball, soccer, tug-of-war, sharing a picnic lunch, and fellowship around the Word of God.

   The second week of April, Pastor José and I were invited to visit and speak to a large group of public-school kids and their teachers and give each of them a John/Romans booklet to take home. After the morning session, we were to return that afternoon and speak to the other half of their students. Sadly, it was cancelled by rain. But each of those students were given a John/Romans booklet also. In all, we gave out around 940 booklets. We are confident that HIS Word will not return void.

   We are very busy planning an international Bible conference for September of this year. We already have commitments from missionaries and pastors from Peru, the US, Mexico, Chile, and Colombia. We are still waiting for confirmation from others who have been invited from Ecuador, Bolivia, and Argentina.

   Bro. Jim Fellure of Victory Baptist Press contacted me to say that it would “take a miracle” but they are going to try to have another shipment of Bibles delivered to us in time for our conference. What a blessing that would be! Please pray that, with God’s help, they will be able to accomplish this.

   Pastor Juan Carlos’ twelve-year old son, Juan Daniel, had to have emergency appendix surgery recently. He was at first incorrectly diagnosed with typhoid and sent home with meds. When he worsened overnight, they did a new set of tests and discovered the diseased appendix. God has blessed and he is recuperating very well.

  Great news concerning the legal case in Ecuador! On April 25th, the Ecuadorian attorney informed me that the case has now been annulled!  Thank you for your prayers.  It is a blessing to know this door is once again open. 

   We praise the Lord for 2 more saved at our Calvario church, a young lady and a young man, ages 21 and 26.

   We have placed four new photo albums on our website. See what God is doing here in Peru! And as always, we want to say thank you for your prayers and support of our ministry. May God bless each of you!

Serving Him for you in Peru,

Don & Carla Rich