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Anniversaries on the Field!
September 5, 2012
Pastors, family and friends,
On July 15, Carla and I celebrated being on the field as missionaries in Peru for NINE YEARS! It has been great to watch God work throughout each of those years not only in our ministry but in ourselves also. There is no way to be a foreign missionary and not grow spiritually as you watch God's protecting and providing hand. It is hard for us to believe that this amount of time has passed. It is a constant reminder that each day is a blessing to be cherished.
Iglesia Bautista Calvario (Calvary Baptist Church), the first church that we planted, also recently celebrated a milestone. Two weeks ago we celebrated SEVEN YEARS as a church plant in Los Baños del Inca, Cajamarca, Peru. Pastor José, our national pastor, told me that we had 167 in attendance on the Sunday of our anniversary services and a good crowd for each of the other services. I am waiting on photos to be sent to me from our church members so that I can post them on our web site. It has been such a joy to watch this church grow from just a few souls in a building that could only hold around thirty-five to an average attendance now of around 90 in a building that will hold at least three hundred. The growth has not only been in numbers. We have watched so many lives be changed, families restored and more and more coming to be a part of God's family through salvation. Several who were saved when we first began our church are now SS teachers, ushers, etc. God has been so good to us in how He has allowed us to have a part in these Peruvians' spiritual lives.
Many of you ask about the strikes and problems in Peru. As of now they have calmed down but could arise again at any time. Things are relatively normal in our area according to what we are hearing. Please keep this in your prayers.
The Bibles continue to be distributed throughout S. America. Recently we were able to get some into Columbia. After they arrived, the missionary who received them emailed me to say that a Peruvian from our area of Cajamarca Peru is woking as a teacher in Columbia. Once again we find out what a small world we live in. The Peruvian received one of the Bibles and is allowing the missionary to hold services in his home.
Back here in the USA on furlough, we continue to see God's hand at work with another young man being saved during a service recently where we were ministering. We have seen many at the altars as God works in the hearts of His people. We are enjoying seeing old friends and making new ones as we report to the churches that have faithfully stood behind us and visit new ones whom we pray will be partnering with us soon.
As many of you already know, Carla and I are going to be grandparents again soon. Christa is expecting our second grandchild in mid-November. He will be named Caleb. As I write this letter, we are enjoying spending time with our daughter, son-in-law and grandson Ethan while we are visiting churches in TX and OK. We are looking forward to celebrating Ethan's first birthday this Saturday before returning to GA on Monday. We were on hand with cameras just yesterday as we watched him get his first haircut. We cherish each new experience as we watch this little one grow and pray for God's hand on his life.
Furlough - Time is flying by. We have very few dates available. I have contacted all supporting churches and have not heard back from some. If you would like for us to come by please contact us at don@rich2peru.com or 678-921-5116.
May God bless you all for your faithful support of our ministry.
Serving Him for You in Peru,
Don & Carla Rich
Archived newsletters:
Sending Church
Calvary Baptist Church 3988 Powder Springs Rd Powder Springs, GA 30127 Website |
Support Address
Central Missionary Clearinghouse P.O. Box 219228 Houston, Texas 77218 Website |
Field Address
Casilla Postal #90 Cajamarca Peru South America (Address mail to DONALD RICH, instead of DON) |
Stateside Address 3625 Lindley Cir. Powder Springs, GA 30127-2703 |
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