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September 7 , 2010
Anniversaries, Wedding, Baptisms You name
it... We've got it!
On July 15 Carla and I celebrated SEVEN YEARS as missionaries in the country of Peru. It has been seven years of learning, adjusting, planning, working, studying, ministering and more. God continues to bless.
The week of August 14 we celebrated the FIFTH ANNIVERSARY of our first work, Iglesia Bautista Calvario. We are blessed to continue to see numerical and spiritual growth. The national pastor that we have in place is doing a wonderful job teaching, preaching and shepherding. To celebrate this milestone we had Pastor Oswaldo Amico from the Lima area come to preach. He did a great job. Many individuals in our church participated in singing, drama, teaching, cooking, cleaning, etc. It was a great time of fellowship and celebration with a high attendance in one service of 136! We used our unfinished new building for the services. We cleaned it up and put plastic over the windows and side door openings to keep the cool wind out at night. The electricity was completed in the first floor just in time for these special services. God is always on time!
On Saturday of our anniversary week we hosted the wedding of national pastor Juan Carlos to his new bride Karen. They took advantage of our new building while it was cleaned up. It actually looked pretty good after being decorated (see for yourself on our website www.rich2peru.com). Juan Carlos and Karen are working with missionary Matt Burns in the pueblo of Puylucana.
On August 8 we had a baptismal service for two more new Christians in our church. Angie and Judith were both baptized in a rented hotel pool. We will sure be glad to take advantage of our own baptistery when it is completed.
We have seen at least seven more saved recently. While on a church outing in July I had the privilege of leading Ofilia to the Lord. She is the mother of a young man named Jhony whom I led to the Lord several years ago. She had come to visit her son. As she talked with one of our church members she realized that she was lost and in need of a Savior. That opened the door for me to lead here down the Romans Road. She prayed and became a sister-in-Christ. A police officer who is a brother of one of our members was also saved recently. On Aug. 27 we took the Mobile Ministry Unit to Puylucana where we had four decisions for Christ. Praise the Lord, His family is still growing!
Carla's sister and brother-in-law, Nina and Wayne, came at the end of July to visit. While they were here we took a trip to northern Peru to meet and visit with some national pastors. The purpose was 3 fold: to know more national pastors whom we could invite to future conferences, the Bible Institute, etc. To plan future Mobile Ministry trips, including the youth mission trip in January 2011. Thirdly, to let them know about the ministry of distributing Bibles that we will start as soon as we receive the shipment. God blessed the trip. I have been invited back to preach for two churches in November, including one church's anniversary services. We also have tentative dates set for the Mobile Ministry Unit.
The youth of our church have been very busy planning and raising funds for their mission trip. They had a volleyball tournament where each player paid to play. They sold a meal of pig intestines and cow stomach over potatoes and onions to the attendees. Mmm, mmm! They have also sold grilled sausages on the city square and are now planning a meal at our church. To our surprise, each time they've raised funds these selfless young people have given half of what they've raised to the building fund. What a great group of youth!
Building program update- We are moving ahead by faith to stucco the outside walls. The first floor is ready for tile, doors, windows, toilets, etc. We are waiting on God's provision for those finishing projects. It has been estimated that we are within $30,000 of finishing the entire building. The end is in sight!
Along with the building program we would like to mention another special request: Victory Baptist Press is raising the funds to print and ship us over 20,000 bibles. Would you consider helping to get the WORD out? If so, please contact VBP at 850-623-0086. Make sure to designate any gift to be used for the "Peru Project". Their website is www.vbcmilton.org. Thank you so much for your faithful support and prayers.
Don Rich & family
Archived newsletters:
Sending Church
Calvary Baptist Church 3988 Powder Springs Rd Powder Springs, GA 30127 Website |
Support Address
Central Missionary Clearinghouse P.O. Box 219228 Houston, Texas 77218 Website |
Field Address
Casilla Postal #90 Cajamarca Peru South America (Address mail to DONALD RICH, instead of DON) |
Stateside Address 3625 Lindley Cir. Powder Springs, GA 30127-2703 |
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