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October 4, 2002
Dear Pastors, Praying Friends, and Family,
Praise the Lord for another soul birthed into the kingdom!!! Since my last prayer letter, Christina, a young lady in a service where I was preaching in Hiawassee, GA, accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior!!! What a thrill it is to see lives eternally changed. Several pastors have told me that our ministry in their churches has encouraged them. I am so pleased that God is using us in many different ways while we are on deputation.
Another praise that we want to share is that the contract was signed on the building I wrote about last month. It will be used for the church and soup kitchen we will be assisting in when we first arrive in Peru while learning the language. Also, a sweet-spirited pastor recently provided me with a 12 string guitar to use in our ministry. What an awesome God we serve!
Pastors, I know that some do not have room to post each prayer letter received each month, but I would be honored if you would please inform your congregation of the following:
- A friend in our home church has created a Web site for us and it is up and running. You can see it at www.rich2peru.com . I want to thank Bro. Kevin Dolph for taking the time and for doing such a wonderful job for us. This site will enable us to keep everyone updated with our progress. It has a “Photo Gallery” where I will be able to add new pictures as we go along. There is already an album of pictures there that I photographed of our survey trip to Sol de la Molina and surrounding areas at the beginning of last month.
- Any individual wishing to receive our prayer letter by email each month, please write us at donrich@calvaryministries.org . Please tell us your name, email address, and the church you are from. We will make sure that you receive every update to the mission that God has called us to.
- We are celebrating one year on deputation this week. Time has flown by. We have said all along that it would take a miracle for our support to be raised in the 16 months of deputation we set as our goal. January is drawing near and we praise God for how quick he has provided the support that has come in thus far. We now have 50% coming in each month with about 5% more promised. For us to be able to have all of our support by the end of January and leave by the second week in February (This will allow Christa to be there for the start of school) we need to see that miracle. We stand in need of this support and for the funds for our airline tickets, setting up house, and for a vehicle. We have entered into a time of prayer & fasting for the sole purpose of petitioning God for this miracle! We know that miracles can occur through prayer and fasting. We have been doing this in private but now I would like to ask the corporate body of believers to stand beside us in this matter. We are asking that any believer who would, please fast and pray for us through one meal, one day, a couple of days… however the Lord leads. If you are physically unable to fast, please pray. Peruvian souls are dying and going into eternity without a Bible preaching church and a preacher to tell them that they can have eternal life with a Risen Savior. We want to be on the field as soon as possible so we can learn the language and get to work. More importantly, we want God’s perfect will and His perfect timing. Thank you for your prayerful consideration.
In closing, we want to say thank you to all who have already prayerfully chosen to support us in finances and prayers. May God bless each one of you.
Your missionaries to Peru,
Don Rich & family
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