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April 8, 2003
When it rains it pours!
Dear Pastors and Praying Friends,
Once again, we are praising the Lord for his goodness and his provision. We are praising Him for continuing to bring in our support. We are now at 84% of our promised support after only 18 months! We are planning our departure for July 15th and are busy praying, packing, filling out paperwork and making travel plans.
We have been blessed so far through our deputation with hardly any problems with our vehicle... until now. Our van’s transmission started slipping recently on our way back from an out-of-state meeting. God blessed through a missions organization, Happy Acres Missionary Transit Center, who helped us get it done at wholesale cost. When the mechanics were working on the transmission they found that two motor mounts were broken. After getting the vehicle back with a smooth transmission, we realized it was time to have the tires rotated and balanced and the alignment checked. Upon checking the tires, which looked good on the outside except for somewhat low tread, we found that metal was showing on three of the tires on the inside and found that the alignment was out. Time for a new set of tires and an alignment. Total for a two week period? $1770.
We had been putting back a little along to help us when we move. But that was pretty much depleted with this rash of repairs. I guess God wants us to see Him provide and not trust in ourselves. We know He is in control and are confident that His Word is true… He will supply all our needs according to HIS riches. His account is much larger than ours! No worries here! God must be getting our van ready for whoever buys it when we leave. I would hate to sell it with problems. It ought to be in top shape when we get ready to sell it, which will be soon. Anyone interested in a good van with high highway mileage, let us know.
There’s no time for complaining, because we have seen four saved this month! After preaching at a missions conference recently, Michael & Wendy, husband and wife, and a teen named Destiny came to the altar and accepted Christ. My in-laws had loaned us their car while our van was in the shop. Without a vehicle to get us to our meeting, we would have missed this opportunity. Two weeks later in another state, another young lady walked the aisle to accept Christ. God is still in the saving business! I am so glad He let us be a part.
We are still in need of much of our moving expenses. If you feel God would have you help in any way, please send the support to our support address at Central Missionary Clearinghouse with a note as to what it is for.
We are so appreciative of the many supporting churches and individuals God had supplied us with and the friendships that have been formed. The fellowship of believers has been great and we look forward to these last months of meeting even more Christian brothers and sisters along the way.
Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we continue on deputation and pray for God’s protection and guidance. Also pray that we may continue to see souls saved as a result of the ministry He has entrusted us with.
Your missionaries to Peru,
Don Rich & family
Archived newsletters:
Sending Church
Calvary Baptist Church 3988 Powder Springs Rd Powder Springs, GA 30127 Website |
Support Address
Central Missionary Clearinghouse P.O. Box 219228 Houston, Texas 77218 Website |
Field Address
Casilla Postal #90 Cajamarca Peru South America (Address mail to DONALD RICH, instead of DON) |
Stateside Address 3625 Lindley Cir. Powder Springs, GA 30127-2703 |
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