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January 6 , 2004
Happy New Year from Peru!
Dear Pastors, Praying Friends, and Family,
Greetings from Peru! We want to first say thanks for all the cards, emails, gifts, and notes that we have received during the holidays. We truly appreciate them and enjoy hearing from you. There is much that has happened in the last 2 months so I will get right to it and try to be brief.
In November, Bro. Mike and I put together a mission trip for the Peruvian youth of our church and traveled up the coast to the towns of Trujillo and Chiclayo. Hundreds of Bibles and tracts were passed out everywhere we went. We also took part in an anniversary service of a national pastor’s church in Chiclayo, singing, giving testimonies, I played guitar, and Bro. Mike preached. It was the first mission trip the youth of our church had ever been a part of. They all enjoyed the ministry and did a great job.
Our daughter, Christa’s visit with us the first part of December was a blessing although, of course, the time was too short. We miss our children but know that they are in God’s hands. Our son, Shawn was not able to come for Christmas but is planning on coming this summer.
Dec. 8 was Abuelita’s (little grandmother’s) birthday. She turned 88 yrs young and is still faithful in church. Carla and I were invited after Wed. night services to her house for a birthday supper. Her daughter and 3 granddaughters live with her in a 2 room shanty. There was only 1 candle lit in her clean little home. It was placed in the middle of the table. We could hear her daughter cooking over an open fire in the back part of the shanty. We kept thinking, “Where He leads, we will follow. What He feeds, we will swallow.” The fellowship was sweet and the food was good.
The Children’s Home open house planned for Dec. 9th had to be postponed due to some unforeseen expenses, such as a large pre-existing security wall that was found to have an insufficient footing. It had to be brought down and rebuilt. Bro. Mike is in the states until the end of this month. We are now planning to open sometime in February once he returns. Please pray that all will go as scheduled and we will be able to receive children soon. Thanks to everyone for your prayers on behalf of the children’s home staff. If you would like to sponsor a child or help with the start-up costs, please let us know. You can contact us by email, through our web site, or through Bro. Mike’s web site.
The church here in Cieneguilla celebrated its’ 2 yr anniversary last month. Mike started this church before we came to Peru and it continues to grow. We praise the Lord for Bro. David, the national pastor that the Lord sent our way for this church. He is such a blessing and has a tender heart for his people.
We were able to purchase the 4-wheel drive truck we need to be able to drive in some of the rougher terrain to reach souls in those areas. We praise God for those whom the Lord touched to help us make this purchase. The truck has been a blessing already.
In mid-Dec. another missionary, Bro. Shane Rice, and I made a visit to the high jungle city of Tarapoto. This is a town of around 100,000 people surrounded by many pueblos. There are Pentecostals, Mormons, Jehovah\'s Witness, but we were unable to find any Baptist works. We rented motorcycles and drove through a couple of small villages and passed out hundreds of tracts. The people were very friendly. Several people even asked if we needed any help finding something. Carla and I are praying and planning a couple of other trips to other locations to let the Lord speak to our hearts about where He would have us start our own works. Please pray for God to give us very clear direction as we move to the next phase of God’s calling on our lives.
Don Rich & family
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Support Address
Central Missionary Clearinghouse P.O. Box 219228 Houston, Texas 77218 Website |
Field Address
Casilla Postal #90 Cajamarca Peru South America (Address mail to DONALD RICH, instead of DON) |
Stateside Address 3625 Lindley Cir. Powder Springs, GA 30127-2703 |
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