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November 6 , 2005
God is Still on the Throne!
And He’s Still in the Saving Business!
Dear Pastors, Praying Friends, and Family,
Greetings from the Andes Mountains of Peru! It is with great excitement that we share the way that God is working here in Cajamarca.
First, we want to tell you of some excitement that we had back on September 25. I was standing in church talking to someone and thought I was getting sick or passing out. I felt woozy and everything seemed to be swaying. That was because it WAS swaying. We were having an earthquake. The epicenter was several hours from us but we felt it strong here. It registered a 7.0 on the Richter scale. We had experienced many tremors when we lived in Lima where the ground shook and there was a rumble. Here, we didn’t hear a sound and the ground swayed instead of shaking. It was a strange experience. We had no damage here but several hours away, a small village was destroyed and 4 people died.
Also in September, we had a visit from a dear Peruvian brother who has been in the United States for many years. He was the first person to ever speak to us of the area where we are now serving. He was born here but moved to the states to serve God planting Spanish speaking churches. Bro. Juan and his brother Ronald came to see their old home place and visit our work. He was the first guest preacher at our church. The Lord worked through him and we had several saved that day.
We had a picnic last week for our first church fellowship and had at least 47 (that we could count) men, women, and children showed up to enjoy the food, fun, and fellowship. Several had never been to our church, but since have visited. God is so good. You can see pictures of the picnic on our web site at www.rich2peru.com.
God has continued to bless us with souls won to Him. In the thirteen weeks since opening the doors of the church, we have seen at least 32 souls saved in services and on visitation with one-on-one evangelism. We have seen two couples who were on the verge of divorce saved from destruction. Both couples and family members have been saved and are now faithful in our church. It is such a thrill to sit in a Peruvian’s home and have the whole family sit around and listen while you discuss the Bible and present the Gospel. It is an even bigger thrill when you can watch their interest and then lead them in the sinner’s prayer to receive Christ.
On one visitation day, we took a lady from our church to show us where a recent visitor lived. We went to visit a little girl that had come to our church for the first time the week before. At the little adobe shack, the mother of the little girl spread blankets on the grass so we would have a place to sit. While there, I had the chance to lead this girl’s mother to the Lord. As we were leaving, I turned to ask the lady who had accompanied us when she had accepted the Lord. She turned, smiled, and said “just now”. She had proclaimed to be a Christian, but had listened to my explanation of salvation while I was talking to the other lady and prayed to receive Christ at the same time! You never know! All we can do is present the Gospel and let the Holy Spirit do the conviction.
One Sunday, a man whose family we had invited several times but whom had never visited our church, came to the church crying and asked for our help. He and his wife were having problems. He stayed for the service and we were able to explain to him that his first problem was not having Christ in his heart and in his home. He accepted Christ and we were able to visit and talk with his wife later that week. She accepted Christ and they both started attending the church faithfully together along with their three kids. God has turned their marriage around for His glory.
We have other stories like these, but we can’t print them all. We give God all the glory for using us to win souls and for the growth we have seen in our church. Our high attendance so far at church has been 38. This week, the number of adults passed the kids! The kids love Carla and fill her class each week. We will need the new church building before you know it. Please consider helping us with the building project so we can continue to grow and expand our ministries to these new brothers and sisters-in-Christ.
Thanks to those who called, sent cards, and emails to Christa when she
was sick recently with pleurisy. Please keep her in your prayers as she
continues to heal. Thanks again to each of you for your continued prayers
and support. We pray that God will richly bless you for your help in
reaching the lost souls of Peru.
Serving Him for You in Peru,
Don Rich & family
Archived newsletters:
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Calvary Baptist Church 3988 Powder Springs Rd Powder Springs, GA 30127 Website |
Support Address
Central Missionary Clearinghouse P.O. Box 219228 Houston, Texas 77218 Website |
Field Address
Casilla Postal #90 Cajamarca Peru South America (Address mail to DONALD RICH, instead of DON) |
Stateside Address 3625 Lindley Cir. Powder Springs, GA 30127-2703 |
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